Friday, October 2, 2009

~ Home Made Cherry Cough Syrup~

Home Made Cherry Cough Syrup

A friend told me her hubby says this works better then codeine. ;) Here is her blog for more information, pics and what each herb does in this wonderful syrup.

Take 2 clean quart jars. In each jar put:

1/2 c. wild cherry bark

1/4 c. mullein

1/4 c. red raspberry leaf

2 T. lobelia

2 T. slippery elm

Stir all the herbs together then pour a little hot water over them to moisten. Then fill one jar with vodka, leaving about 1 inch headroom. Fill the other jar with glycerin. Put the lids tightly on the jars & shake. Store them in a dark place for at least 2 weeks, shaking the jars once daily. After 2 weeks you can strain the herbs out & discard. Store the liquid in a dark jar and take as needed.
A dose is about 1 tablespoon

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