Thursday, October 23, 2008

Home Made Laundry Detergent

Yes, i know....I'm Betty Home maker.(like my pic? LOL) I make my own detergent and cleaners. This detergent works great and its cheap cheap cheap. Pennies a load. Its easy to make and all natural so its perfect for anyone with sensitive skin or that's allergic to most laundry soaps. So, take it from me.....a past Tide snob who had to have her Tide, this soap works great and i will never go back to to store bought detergent when I'm being so thrifty with this and it works just as great. :D

3 Pints Water

1/3 Bar Fels Naptha Soap, Grated

1/2 Cup Washing Soda

1/2 Cup Borax

2 Gallon Bucket

1 Quart Hot Water

Hot Water

Mix Fels Naptha soap in a saucepan with 3 pints of water, and heat on low until dissolved.

Stir in Washing Soda and Borax.
Stir until thickened, and remove from heat.

Add 1 Quart Hot Water to 2 Gallon Bucket.
Add soap mixture, and mix well.

Fill bucket with hot water, and mix well.

Set aside for 24 hours, or until mixture thickens.

Use 1 cup of mixture per load.

1 comment:

Murphy's slave said...

Do you find that your white's get dingy with this soap? I've been having this problem but not sure if it's my water here or the soap causing it...I've been using the soap for a year now and I have not reacted to it (have allergies to certain chemicals in most detergents). It's very cost effective and easy to make!